home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/python
- """
- This file is used to create the user defined commands.
- The procedure for creating the commands is summarized as follows:
- 1)
- Create a class for the command using the defined API
- Sample classes are provided. The samples are meticulously commented,
- 2)
- Insert a line corresponding to your command in the UserRenamerList near the
- end of this file (Don't forget the parentheses!).
- 3)
- You then use the PFrank GUI to load the command objects from the list.
- This module is written in the Python scripting language. You will therefore
- have to learn some Python programming. Don't worry - it's a very easy language
- to use.
- An Extremely useful tutorial can be found at:
- http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/node2.html
- You don't have to do this but it is highly recommended to download the python
- interpreter from http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/node2.html
- The page provides a 'Download' button that leads you to an exe file.
- Once installed, you can use the IDLE feature to pre-test this module to
- ensure it does what you want. IDLE is a development environment that you
- can use to open this module and run it. IDLE can be started by clicking on:
- Start -> All Programs -> Python 2.x -> IDLE
- Two sample classes are included for demonstration purposes. These can be
- used as models for other functions.
- """
- ##########################################
- # list your imported modules here.
- # If you get import errors, then the modules are not
- # present in the environment. In this case you will have to
- # insert the required module in the PFrank install folder.
- ##########################################
- # start of user imported modules
- import re
- import string
- # end of user imported modules.
- ##########################################
- # The following modules must always be imported
- ##########################################
- # start of required imported modules
- try :
- from SearchRep_init import configurator
- from SearchRepBase import SearchRepBase
- except :
- from SearchRep_initStubs import configurator
- from SearchRepBaseStubs import SearchRepBase
- # end of required imported modules
- class UserRenamer1 (SearchRepBase) :
- """ This is a sample renamer class. The SearchRepLower base class is
- mandatory.
- """
- def __init__ (self) :
- # call base class initializer. This is mandatory
- SearchRepBase.__init__(self)
- # This is the ID string that will appear in the pre-defined command
- # pull down list. It will also appear in the custom list when
- # inserted. The id will also be used in the scan summary
- # The name 'self.idstring' must not change. Set the assigned string
- # on the right-hand side of the assignment statement to whatever
- # name you want.
- self.idstring = "(User) - Convert First 6 Chars to Upper"
- # this call should remain here
- self.initforscan()
- def initforscan(self) :
- """
- This function is called whenever a new scan or rescan is made. Use it to
- reset anything that needs to be reinitialized before a scan.
- This function is mandatory.
- """
- pass
- def fixnames(self, filename) :
- """
- This function converts name of file to a new name.
- Input: string representing the old filename or portion (either All, Prefix, or Extension)
- The name does not include the path to the file.
- Output: change indicator
- True if change to input string occurred, otherwise False
- string representing the new filename
- When the old filename string is passed into this routine, then depending
- on where this user command is placed in the custom list, the string could
- be in the middle of a transformation.
- e.g. if the original filename was ABCDEF.jpg, and the first command of the
- custom list inserted a counter in front of the name, and the second command
- was this user command, then the filename string that is passed in could be
- something like 0010-ABCDEF.jpg.
- This name of course no longer looks like the original name.
- If you needed to extract meta data from the file, then you would not be able to
- use the passed in string. Therefore the global variable 'configurator.filename' is
- provided which has the full path to the filename. You can then just open that name,
- extract the meta data, and then close the file.
- """
- # full path to original filename
- fullPathForFile = configurator.filename
- #########################################################################
- # Insert code to modify the filename here
- #########################################################################
- # here's some sample code to convert the first 6 characters of a name
- # to upper case.
- if len(filename) >= 7 :
- first6 = filename[0:6]
- remainder = filename[6:]
- newname = first6.upper() + remainder
- else :
- # file is 6 chars long or less
- newname = filename.upper()
- #########################################################################
- # these statements are mandatory
- #########################################################################
- change = False
- if filename != newname :
- change = True
- return change, newname
- # end of the class definition for Renamer1
- class UserRenamer2 (SearchRepBase) :
- """ This is a sample renamer class. The SearchRepLower base class is
- mandatory.
- """
- def __init__ (self) :
- # call base class initializer. This is mandatory
- SearchRepBase.__init__(self)
- # This is the ID string that will appear in the pre-defined command
- # pull down list. It will also appear in the custom list when
- # inserted. The id will also be used in the scan summary
- # The name 'self.idstring' must not change. Set the assigned string
- # on the right-hand side of the assignment statement to whatever
- # name you want.
- self.idstring = "(User) - Add 1.1 to First Number"
- self.firstNumber = re.compile(r"""
- ^(.*?)([0-9]+)(.*)$ # look for number in middle of string
- """, re.VERBOSE)
- # this call should remain here
- self.initforscan()
- def initforscan(self) :
- """
- This function is called whenever a new scan or rescan is made. Use it to
- reset anything that needs to be reinitialized before a scan.
- This function is mandatory.
- """
- pass
- def fixnames(self, filename) :
- """
- This function converts name of file to a new name.
- Input: string representing the old filename or portion (either All, Prefix, or Extension)
- The name does not include the path to the file.
- Output: change indicator
- True if change to input string occurred, otherwise False
- string representing the new filename
- When the old filename string is passed into this routine, then depending
- on where this user command is placed in the custom list, the string could
- be in the middle of a transformation.
- e.g. if the original filename was ABCDEF.jpg, and the first command of the
- custom list inserted a counter in front of the name, and the second command
- was this user command, then the filename string that is passed in could be
- something like 0010-ABCDEF.jpg.
- This name of course no longer looks like the original name.
- If you needed to extract meta data from the file, then you would not be able to
- use the passed in string. Therefore the global variable 'configurator.filename' is
- provided which has the full path to the filename. You can then just open that name,
- extract the meta data, and then close the file.
- """
- # full path to original filename
- fullPathForFile = configurator.filename
- #########################################################################
- # Insert code to modify the filename here
- #########################################################################
- # here's some sample code to add 1.1 to the first number found in a name.
- newname = filename
- groups = self.firstNumber.findall(filename)
- #print groups
- if groups != [] :
- if len(groups[0]) == 3 :
- if groups[0][1] != '' :
- # should be a number
- number = float (groups[0][1])
- number += 1.1
- newnumber = str(number)
- # recreate filename with calculated number
- newname = groups[0][0] + newnumber + groups[0][2]
- #########################################################################
- # these statements are mandatory
- #########################################################################
- change = False
- if filename != newname :
- change = True
- return change, newname
- # end of the class definition for Renamer2
- ###################################################################
- # Create the Renamer Objects in a list. The list is mandatory.
- # The name of the list must not change.
- # You can list as many names in the list as you like. PFrank will try to
- # load all of them. Each name in the list must correspond to the
- # name of a user command renaming class. A name can only appear
- # once in the list.
- #
- # User Command Objects are created with the following syntax:
- # ClassName()
- # i.e. the name of the class followed by ()
- ###################################################################
- UserRenamerList = [
- UserRenamer1(), # object created for first user renaming class
- UserRenamer2(), # object created for second user renaming class
- ]
- ######################################
- # Code for testing the renamer objects
- ######################################
- if __name__ == '__main__' :
- """
- This is some test code to test the renaming objects. Test the code using
- the python IDLE tool to verify that things work. Then try importing the file
- to PFrank
- """
- import os
- userpath = os.getcwd()
- userpath = os.path.normpath(userpath)
- print "\
- ***NOTICE: Before first editing a user command file, you might need to \n\
- associate an editor with .py files to prevent the unintentional execution \n\
- of the user command file when trying to edit it.\n\
- If the association is not made with an editor, the command window you\n\
- are looking at now will shortly disappear!\n\
- The user command file is called PFRankUser.py and is located at:\n\
- %s\n\n\
- After this association is made, you can delete this notice and the timed \n\
- delay which follows.\n\
- "%userpath
- import time
- time.sleep(12)
- print "Testing User Defined Renaming Classes"
- # this is a table of sample filenames for testing
- # Assume that the files are in the current folder.
- nameTable = [
- "TestFile.txt",
- "TestFile1.jpg",
- "Test32File3.mp3",
- "Test1.mp3",
- "33T.ogg"
- ]
- for renamer in UserRenamerList :
- print "*************Testing Renamer: ", renamer.idstring
- for name in nameTable :
- fullpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), name)
- configurator.filename = os.path.normpath(fullpath)
- change, newname = renamer.fixnames(name)
- print "Oldname is: ", name
- print "Newname is: ", newname
- assert (change == (not name == newname))
- print ""